Monday, April 20, 2009

it's so hot.

It's about 11 o'clock right now and I don't think I can go to sleep.
Arrgh, it's so hot, it's like summer already.
Right after I get back from spring break, too!

But it's times like these when you're thankful to be on the swim team, despite all of the hellish training (which isn't all that hellish, considering how much some people skip and lie about). Ah, the cool, refreshing water. The strong, repugnant smell of chlorine! The distinct, stinging pain of taking water in through your nose and avoiding drowning by quickly sending it down your throat. It's good to be alive.
All pain aside, it really was nice to take a dip in this unbearably hot weather, and I think it would be great if we had practice every time it was so hot.

Summer heat is the worst, I get hot just thinking about it!
But I guess it's different for everyone.
Now, if I only had some popsicles...

1 comment:

  1. You'd make a good writer, Mr. Person I have never met before.
